Amitbhai and LOUD Coringa are two popular Free Fire content creators. In this article we will compare both the content creators stats in lifetime and ranked mode.
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With the raise of Free Fire popularity the content creators in YouTube are growing well on these days all around the world. In that Amitbhai (Desi Gamers) and LOUD Coringa are two popular content creators in Free Fire from India and Brazil respectively.
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In this article take a look on these both players Free Fire stats and compare them.
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Amithbhai's Free Fire ID and Stats
Amithbhai Free Fire ID is 206746194
Lifetime Stats:

Amithbhai has played 7365 squad games and finishes as top in 2071 of them, having a win rate of 28.11%. In all these games he smashed 19126 kills with a K/D ratio of 3.61.
The YouTuber has played 3938 duo matches so far. In that he managed to finish in top on 701 games with a win rate of 17.80%. He killed 10278 enemies on these matches, having a K/D ratio of 3.18.
The streamers also participated in 3158 solo games and recorded 258 Booyahs in them. With that he has win percentage of 8.16%. He has bagged 6958 kills, with a 2.40 K/D ratio.
Ranked Stats:

In current ranked season Amitbhai has played 482 squad matches, with a win rate of 19.08% he finished on 92 games. He has smashed 1311 kills by maintaining a K/D ratio of 3.36.
He has played on 217 duo games and finishes on 33 of them, having a win rate of 15.20%. With 3.78 K/D ratio he smashed 695 frags on these matches.
The content creator also participated on 89 solo games and managed to complete top on 9 matches, with a win percentage of 10.11%. In these games he bagged 292 kills with a K/D ratio of 3.65.
LOUD Coringa's Free Fire ID and stats
LOUD Coringa's Free Fire ID is 370252571
Lifetime stats:

LOUD Coringa has participated on 5970 squad games and recorded 1480 wins on them, with a win rate of 26.46%. The players bagged 15466 kills with a K/D ratio of 3.44.
He clinched 262 Booyahs on 2004 duo games by maintaining a win percentage of 13.04%. With 3.16 K/D ratio he smashed 5498 kills.
The YouTuber has also played on 1901 solo games and managed to finish in top of 177 games with 9.31% win ratio. He also has 4930 kills with 2.86 K/D ratio.
Ranked stats:

The streamer has participated on 80 squad games on current ranked season. In that he completed as top on 14 games with a win rate of 17.50%. With a K/D ratio of 2.70 he killed 178 enemies on these games.
LOUD Coringa has appearance on 29 duo matches and records 5 win of them, having a win rate of 17.24%. He also bagged 68 frags with K/D ratio of 2.83.
He just converted a single win on 6 solo matches which has played on current season with 16.66% win ratio. By maintaining a K/D ratio of 3.20 he killed 16 enemies.
Both the content creators has a incredible stats in Garena Free Fire, but comparisons are difficult, as they play from different regions. In lifetime stats Amitbhai ahead of LOUD Coringa with better win rate and K/D on squad and duo game modes. Whereas, in solo mode LOUD Coringa has slightly better number than Amit.
In ongoing current ranked season LOUD Coringa's has better win rate than Amitbhai on duo and solo games, whereas in squad games Amit is ahead of LOUD with better win percentage. Coming to the K/D ratio Amitbhai has better numbers than LOUD in all game modes.