Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 Challenges, how to complete quests

Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 Challenges how to complete quests
Image Credits: Fortnite Events yt

Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 Challenges has arrived, on each week there will be different kind of missions are available. The players can earn XP and level up their Battle Pass.

Also Check : How to Unlock Fortnite Neymar Jr skin in Season 6.

All Week 8 Challenges Fortnite Season 6

1) Collect research books from Holly Hedges and Pleasant park.

2) Use launcher from Guardian Towers.

3) Open Chests at The Spire or Guardian Towers.

4) Damage opponent within 10 seconds of landing.

5) Dance in Durrr Burger Kitchen.

6) Use Firefly Jar at the Pizza Pit.

7) Drive from Durrr Burger to Pizza Pit without exiting a vehicle.

Legendary Quest: Destroy structures with Fire.

For stage 1 to 5 you need to Destroy (100, 200, 300, 400, 500) structures with fire to complete this quest and get total of 133,000 XP.

A complete detailed video on how to complete all the challenges of Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 is given below, let' check it before going to start quests:

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