Failure to stop arteries due to drinking coffee is not feasible: study

There is a good news for those who like drinking coffee. Drinking coffee up to 25 cups a day is not as bad for the arteries as it has been considered in earlier studies. This is said in a new study that appeared on Monday. Arteries transmit oxygen and nutrients to our whole body with our heart.

If the flexibility of the arteries is over and it becomes stricter then the heart gets stressed and the person increases the risk of heart attack or trauma. In this study of researchers from the Queen Mary London University of Britain, 8,000 people were included. This study says that earlier studies were wrong, which claimed that drinking coffee brought rigid arteries in the arteries.

Researchers said that pre-studies linking the arteries to coffee drinking were conflicting and due to the low number of participants, they can not be considered as universal. Coffee consumption was divided into 3 categories for the study. The first one drink less than one cup of coffee in one day, the second which is one to three cups per day and the third which drinks more than three cups of coffee.

People who consumed more than 25 cups of coffee in one day were excluded from the study, but to this high extent, the comparison of people drinking coffee when compared to one cup of coffee less than a cup, there is nothing like growing rigidly in their arteries. was seen.

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