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On the same day 9/11 (11th September, 1893) 127 years ago Swami Vivekananda gave his historic speech at the Parliament of religions, Chicago, USA. He had to undergo many hardships and obstacles for this grand event, that gave a new identity to India and Hinduism in the West.
On 11 September 1893, the World Religion Parliament began in Chicago, USA, with thousands of delegates from many nations of the world. Swami Vivekananda was the youngest among them. Swami Vivekananda delivered his first speech in the parliament of the world's religions in Chicago.
Swami Vivekananda said " American sisters and brothers, the affection with which you have welcomed me has filled my heart. I thank the oldest saint tradition of the world & the mother of all religions. I thank you on behalf of millions -crores Hindus of all castes & sects.
Swamiji gave a speech on Hinduism and Vedanta and threw light on the Hindu religion's motto "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam", then the listeners were enchanted and continued to listen his energetic speech.
"No religion is high or low.He said he represents the land of India which is the oldest in cultural terms.This is the only holy earth in the world that gave shelter to all religions in times of crisis".
Swami Vivekananda did for global spirituality much. Before him such practices as Yoga, mantra, meditation or pranayama, or concepts as karma, rebirth, Self-realization or God-realization had no prominence in world religious forums.