The use of antibiotic in women is more prone to heart attack: Research

A recent study claims that women who take long antibiotic medicines increase the risk of heart attack or trauma. A study published in the European Heart Journal found that women 60 years of age or older who take antibiotics for two months or more, they are at the highest risk of heart disease.

In the middle age (40-59 years) among women, exposure to prolonged use of antibiotic increases its risk. Researchers have found no signs of increasing risk by using antibiotics in adult women between 20-39 years of age. Antibiotics are a possible cause of cardiovascular disease associated with increased risk because antibiotics change the balance of the microscopic environment in the intestine.

Lu Kui, director of University of Tula University, said, "Antibiotic use is the most important factor in changing the balance of microorganisms in the intestine. In previous studies, changes in the intestine's microbiolic environment and the narrowing of blood vessels and a link between swelling, stroke and heart disease have been shown. "The researchers studied 36,429 women participating in the Nurses Health Study.

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